Fallout 4 ultra realistic graphics mod
Fallout 4 ultra realistic graphics mod

fallout 4 ultra realistic graphics mod

Alternative mouse input is disabled by default.

  • Removed the necessity to use windows message base mouse control over DirectInput.
  • This is disabled by default as it conflicts with a similar function in Sfall.

    fallout 4 ultra realistic graphics mod

    Added option in the config ini to reduce CPU usage.For alternative mouse input, fixed cursor position after using mouse menu.To decrease/increase transitional fade effect length. Added option to the config ini (FADE_TIME_MODIFIER).Makes the scroll wheel focus control on to the PC items list when mouse is not hovering over another list. Added option to the config ini for alternative mouse input (SCROLLWHEEL_FOCUS_PRIMARY_MENU).Fixed scriptable window functions which were scaling up the window as the resolution increased beyond 640x480.Text is now cut with the remained being displayed on the next line. Fixed a bug causing text in the interface-bar console to be cropped if a word was longer than the console width.Fixed a bug occasionally causing an inability to target an enemy with clear line of sight.When enabled fade time will be recalculated before each transitional fade. Added option to the config ini (FADE_TIME_RECALCULATE_ON_FADE).This should now only occur at resolution change. Adjusted transitional fade functions, in previous versions fade time speed was calculated before every transition, which is probably unnecessary in most cases.Fixed a rare bug that could sometimes cause a crash when updating palette entries.Fixed a bug when using the 2X scaler with windowed mode, causing the game to crash when moving the mouse beyond the window border.Fixed a goof up from the previous version causing crashes when creating scriptable windows.Fixed scriptable button function which was scaling up the button position as the resolution increased beyond 640x480.

    fallout 4 ultra realistic graphics mod

  • Made it possible to use Alternate Mouse Input with Sfall's graphic modes.
  • Fixed transitional fade not displaying from Main-menu to Load screen.
  • Fixed a typo in Russian ScrnSet.msg translation - fix supplied by Drobovik.
  • Fixed a bug that may cause a crash when restoring a maximized window after adjusting the 2X scaler.
  • If the link does not work, copy/paste the actual link:

    fallout 4 ultra realistic graphics mod

    This patch supports several versions of the fallout2.exe they include: Unfortunately you cannot use Sfall software scalers with it, but you can use hardware shaders. It allows you to play F2 in higher resolutions, now with Sfall compatibility. The Fallout2 High Resolution Patch by Mash is a major leap from the now defunct and very buggy high resolution patch of old (who was that by? links appreciated).

    Fallout 4 ultra realistic graphics mod